Buying glasses online: What you need to know.

Lunetterie F. Tohmé offers a variety of frames, lenses and contact lenses, each with distinct characteristics such as clarity, strength and comfort. Lenses vary in size, shape and materials, affecting comfort and fit, highlighting the importance of choosing wisely for optimal vision.

Purchasing glasses from an optometric professional ensures a precise, professional fit, essential for clear vision, optimal comfort and eye health. The prescription issued by the optometrist guides the manufacturing of eyewear products based on individual needs, ensuring clear vision, comfortable fit and satisfactory aesthetics, while ensuring careful attention to eye health.

Buying contact lenses or glasses online carries significant risks. By working with your optometrist, from the initial eye exam to the final fitting, you benefit from precise, quality products that are perfectly suited to your eyes and your lifestyle.

Buying Contact Lenses Online

A pair of contact lenses and tweezers on a white surface.

Buying contact lenses online poses risks to vision and eye health. Each contact lens is unique, with characteristics such as material, curvature, oxygen permeability and lifespan. It is essential to follow your optometrist's maintenance recommendations and visit regularly to monitor the health of your eyes.

A prescription does not automatically guarantee a good match for your individual contact lens needs. These medical devices can cause problems if they are not fitted correctly or monitored properly. Staying alert for signs of discomfort or vision changes and reporting any problems is crucial.

Buying contact lenses online can have several disadvantages:

  • Lack of professional monitoring: Purchasing online does not allow you to benefit from regular monitoring by an eye care professional to ensure that the lenses are suitable for your eyes and that your eye health is preserved.
  • Risk of Prescription Error: Prescription errors are more common when patients self-prescribe lenses online without consulting an optometrist, which can lead to vision problems and discomfort.
  • Uncertain quality: Lenses purchased online may come from less reliable sources, increasing the risk of receiving substandard or counterfeit products that can harm eye health.
  • Fitting Issues: The lens fitting process is crucial to ensuring comfort and optimal vision. When shopping online, you may have difficulty getting an accurate fit, which can lead to eye irritation or infections.
  • Fewer choices for complex corrections: People with complex prescriptions or specific needs may have difficulty finding the right lenses online, as the options available may be limited compared to what an eye care professional offers.

Contact lenses prescribed by an optometrist are adapted to individual needs, taking into account the curvature of the eye, lifestyle habits and the chemical composition of tears. Selection of care solutions is based on compatibility with lens materials. Professional monitoring ensures optimal eye health, vision and comfort, with technologies tailored to individual needs.

Buying glasses online

A pair of glasses is sitting on a wooden table next to a laptop computer.

Buying prescription glasses online is significantly different from purchasing everyday items. Your optometrist is trained in the proper fitting, measuring and dispensing of glasses. By ordering online, the consumer assumes the role of an untrained optical distributor, which carries risks in terms of making critical decisions about frames, lenses and materials. The prescription provided by the optometrist guides the quality of vision, but only a professional can ensure a custom fit for optimal visual comfort and pleasant aesthetics.

Buying glasses online can have several disadvantages:

  1. Lack of physical verification: Buying online does not allow you to physically try on the glasses, which increases the risk of getting a frame or lenses that do not fit your face or prescription perfectly.
  2. Limited choice: Frame options may be limited online compared to what you would find in a physical store, limiting your options for styling and customization.
  3. Measuring Issues: Taking your own measurements can cause errors, which can lead to ill-fitting and uncomfortable glasses.
  4. Uncertain quality: The quality of materials and manufacturing of glasses purchased online may be lower, which may affect their durability and effectiveness.
  5. Limited customer service: If there is a problem with glasses ordered online, obtaining effective customer service may be more difficult than in a physical store, where you can receive direct and immediate support.

If your glasses or contact lenses are not suited to your specific needs, you may experience a variety of problems, both immediate and progressive, after wearing them for a while. Common symptoms of poor fit include headaches, fatigue, tight eyes, nausea, and pain or pressure marks on the nose or around the ears. To remedy these problems, we strongly recommend that you consult F. Tohmé eyewear for professional service. Their expertise will help you obtain glasses or contact lenses that are perfectly adjusted to your body shape and visual needs, which will improve your comfort and general well-being. Don't overlook the importance of proper fit to ensure an optimal viewing experience and avoid long-term complications.

Statistics :

A September 2011 study by a professor at Pacific University College of Optometry in Oregon found that 44.8 percent of glasses ordered online failed to meet at least one optical or impact test parameter. Additionally, 28.6% were outside optical tolerance. As a consumer, you have several options when it comes to purchasing glasses, including online.

By working with your optometrist, from the initial eye exam to the final fitting, you receive precise, quality eyewear products tailored to your eyes and your lifestyle.

 Sources: Association Canadienne des optométristes /

To make an appointment with us

Optométriste Gatineau

Place Farmer
64-C, boulevard Gréber
Gatineau (Québec) J8T 3P8


Optométriste Hull

Place Fleur de Lys

450-B, Boulevard St-Joseph

Gatineau (Québec)  J8Y 3Y7


Place Farmer
64-C, boulevard Gréber
Gatineau (Québec) J8T 3P8


Appelez-nous Gatineau

Place Fleur de Lys

450-B, Boulevard St-Joseph

Gatineau (Québec)  J8Y 3Y7


Appelez-nous Hull
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